Why Learn Latin?
Latin Tutor, Nathaniel Hunt, tells us about the benefits of studying Latin.
Benefits of Private Tuition
British Tutors' co-founder, Eleanor Ford, discusses the wide-reaching benefits of private tuition.
Is Online Teaching Effective?
As educators who have spent many hours teaching and working with students online over the past few years, we can happily report that the answer to this question is a resounding “yes!”
Preparing for UK School Interviews
Diana Harrison is Deputy Head at St Mary's School, Calne. Here she shares what top schools look for in interviews and assessments.
What is a UK Schools’ Consultant?
Olivia Hungerford, UK Schools Consultant and Director of British Tutors, explains her role in students' academic pathways.
Visiting UK Schools
We ask Jim Hewer, founder of Heritage Education, for advice on visiting prospective UK boarding schools for your child.
Preparing for a New School Year
With the new term just around the corner, here are our tips to get help you prepare for a great start to the new academic year.
Setting and Streaming in UK Schools
We explain the meanings of two terms that might be unfamiliar to you when you’re looking into UK schools: ‘streaming’ and ‘setting’.
Our Guide to UK School Entry
Thinking about UK boarding school for your child? We know how confusing the process can be. Pre-tests, UKISET, 11+, 13+, Common Entrance... what does it all mean?!
More Exam Tips!
It’s perfectly normal to be a little nervous about examinations – that means you care about your results - but being prepared is the best way to minimize stress before an important test.
Exam Preparation Tips
Revising for exams can be tough and it’s easy to fall into a bad routine, but it doesn’t have to be!
What Makes a Good Tutor?
British Tutors' Director, Yolanda Miller, shares what she looks for when recruiting the finest tutors.
Advice from a School Matron
We ask Jenny Godwin, a matron at prestigious prep school Cheam, about what life is like in a school boarding house.
Learning English as an Additional Language
We speak to seasoned teacher of EAL, Vici Egan, about strategies from students learning to speak English.
Relocating Abroad
Moving internationally with your family? We can help families relocating into Hong Kong AND those moving to the UK.
UK Boarding School Glossary
UK boarding school life has a whole language of its own. Here we demystify some of the terms.