UK School Entrance

Navigating your way through different education systems is not easy. Our expert team at British Tutors holds your hand throughout this process, from the point of contact through to your child's first day at their new school and beyond.
Our education consultants are all impartial experts in admissions to both UK boarding schools and London day schools. Each consultant can provide a huge amount of insider knowledge gleaned from years of experience and a network of invaluable relationships. They will ensure that you have all the information you need in order to make the best possible decisions for your family.
From choosing the right school, to navigating the interview and pre-tests, to preparing for the exams and then ensuring a smooth transition to the new school, we support our students and their families at all stages.
Services include:
Academic assessments
UK schools consultancy
Exam preparation tuition including ISEB 11+ and 13+
Computer common pre-test and UKiset practice
16+ school entrance
Interview skills and mock interviews
Revision courses
Why choose British Tutors
A core value of British Tutors is integrity; we offer impartial advice taken in the best interest of each student and never accept payment from schools for placements. We pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience of the UK boarding school system and have worked with the top UK boarding schools. Our tutorials follow the approach of the leading schools in the UK with high academic standards, expert tutors and the best materials used. This can be a wonderful advantage both for British expatriates and for international families planning to send their children into the UK schooling system. Once you become a British Tutors client, a dedicated team member will help advise and oversee the whole process of your child’s entrance to UK school.
Guidance and consultancy
The first stage of moving to a UK school is choosing the right school or schools to aim for. Our private consultations and advice service helps parents to understand the scope of options available, to identify the right choice of schools for their individual child, to navigate the school application and admissions process and to plan a programme of academic preparation. We never forget that choosing the right school for your child is the first step to a successful education.
Academic assessments
The British Tutors Academic Profiling Test is an industry leading assessment which we use to identify learning gaps, understand academic levels and to best advise parents on school choices. It is also an excellent tool to use as practice for other reasoning-based tests including the UKiset, CAT4, ISEB Pretest or 11+ entrance exams. Suitable for all students aged between 7-16, it tests a student’s levels against those of their peers in the UK and the current British National Curriculum guidelines in English, Maths, verbal and numerical reasoning. Detailed reporting provides parents with an indicative CAT score for their child along with in-depth analysis of their academic strengths and weaknesses. When combined with British Tutors’ experience and knowledge of the UK schools landscape, the report enables us to create a personalised strategy for UK school entrance in all areas, from school choice to exam preparation.
Interview and exam preparation
Students applying for UK school entrance are required to attend interviews and sit exams, either Common Entrance at 11+, 13+, 16+ or for preparatory schools at 7+ and 8+. British Tutors plans academic programmes to help prepare for these specific entrance tests. Working with our tutoring team in Hong Kong and Singapore and our online tutors in the UK, we teach in the core subjects of English, maths and science and weave in other possible exam subjects such as Latin and French where required. Using ISEB and school specific past exam papers alongside insights from admissions offices, our specialist Common Entrance tutors plan and teach rigorous lessons with a high success rate. As part of our academic programmes, we also arrange online test practice, mock interviews and mock exams where necessary.

“I just wanted to thank you and your most excellent tutors so very much for getting my daughter through this very difficult journey. We’re beyond thrilled with the results and it was really quite a shock she did so well! We definitely couldn’t have done it without all the many brilliant tutors at British Tutors.”
Schools we have prepared students for include:
Benenden School
Charterhouse School
Cheltenham Ladies' College
Downe House School
Eton College
Glendower Prep School
Harrow School
Highgate School
Latymer Upper School
Oundle School
Radley College
Rugby School
Sevenoaks School
St. Mary's School, Ascot
St. Mary's School, Calne
St. Paul's School
Summer Fields School (Prep)
The Dragon School (Prep)
The King's School, Canterbury
Tonbridge School
Uppingham School
Wellington College
Westminster School
Winchester College
Wycombe Abbey School
Featured articles from our education experts
UK Schools Consultants
For over 20 years, Olivia has been working with families transitioning their children into the top UK boarding schools. She is hugely knowledgeable about the schools' landscape and entrance criteria and offers dedicated and impartial advice to parents and students.
Sabine is one of London's leading consultants on nursery school and primary school entrance. Drawing on her teaching background, she has developed close working relationships with the most popular London schools and, as a result, is well-placed to offer informed, impartial and expert guidance.
Our London-based consultant advises parents on transferring to the best London secondary schools. She will help you find the perfect fit for your child, arming you with the skills and knowledge to secure the right place in this highly competitive school environment.