Academic Profiling Test
We are Asia's first providers of this industry-leading test from the UK, designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of a student's academic levels. It is a collaboration between experts in academic assessment, former headteachers and educationalists.
There are 4 sections to the test: English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. These assess both the knowledge acquired in the classroom and academic potential. Results give each student a range of scores (including a CAT score) and a clear picture of where their strengths and weaknesses lie.
For students who…
Want to understand their academic level or monitor progress
Want to identify learning gaps and create tuition goals
Need guidance identifying suitable future schools or transitioning between school systems Need practice for other reasoning tests including UKiset, ISEB or CAT4
Would like a report of their CAT score
Delivered at home
APT is taken on your own computer at a time that suits you
Fully adaptive tests
Question difficulty adapts to the candidate's ability
Standardised scores
Age-related results compare candidates with UK students
Extensive reporting
Comprehensive results are analysed for you with one of our expert team

Subject performance report
A full breakdown of scores for each subject (English, Maths, Verbal and Non- Verbal Reasoning) including time taken and number of questions answered
Skills performance analysis
Each subject is broken down into specific sub-skills and performance indicators show the likelihood of the candidate getting an age-appropriate question correct
This can be used to identify key strengths or areas to work on within subject areas